
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
#83: Thou Shalt Not Kill... Until He Is One Step Inside Of Your Property
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
The guys are back after a brief hiatus to continue spreading their horrific brand of comedy far and wide.

Thursday May 23, 2019
#82: It's Against Her Will. Let's Get That Straight.
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
In this episode, Mikey B from the renowned metal podcast "From The Pit" guest stars and no topic is off limits.

Tuesday May 07, 2019
#81: You Don't Need To Be A Detective To Find Lucy Lawless' Clit
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
The guys are back after a short hiatus to continue their unrelenting stream of filth and debauchery. Anti-vaxxers, asshole customers and careless micro-brewery guests are just a few of the things on the chopping block. Josh reveals his feelings about butt hole pleasures, Eric is a hero, Dan's four year old daughter looks like the hulk and Mike Keenan guest stars in this triumphant return to the garage.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
#80: Michael Jackson Definitely Fu@#ed Kids
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
In this episode, the guys watched "Leaving Neverland", and have some opinions... Mainly that Michael Jackson DEFINITELY FUCKED KIDS FOR A LONG ASS TIME! ALMOST AS IF IT WERE HIS FULL TIME FUCKING JOB!

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
#79: World War Fun Part 3: Soft Pretzels & Mustard Pus
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
In this episode, Josh brings the dough-boys home with the inevitable destruction and punishment of the German Empire, and a timely end to our World War Fun trilogy. Eighteen Million dead souls, Millions more injured and maimed, countless homes and lives destroyed... One hell of a laugh.

Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
#78: World War Fun: A 9/11 Every Day
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
In this episode, Eric crawls through the trenches and flies through the sky firing machine guns and dropping bombs. It's time to get into the truly grizzly aspects of World War 1.

Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
#77: World War Fun: Black Hand, White Problems
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
In this episode, Dan takes the reigns for the first episode in a three part series and breaks down the lead up to The Great War that would ultimately rearrange the face of early twentieth century Europe and claim the lives of ten million people. That's almost four thousand 9/11s. Storm the trenches, bitches.

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
#76: The Guys Finally Talk Politics
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
In this long awaited episode, the guys finally put on the boxing gloves and debate the state of American politics. Feelings will be hurt, friendships will be tested and the cast of Who Invited This Guy will never be the same. Let's get ready to fucking rumble.

Thursday Jan 31, 2019
#75: Jukebox Zeros 2
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
In this episode, the guys dive ever deeper into the musical ocean. They run out of air down there. They drown in power chords. It's a beautiful, satisfying death.

Monday Jan 21, 2019
#74: Mrs. Pac-Man's Box Smells Like A Chinese Shipping Container
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
In this episode, the guys discuss the video games that have eroded large swaths of their lives throughout the years. We'll never get back those long hours we've all spent, exercising our thumbs, sitting and staring at a lit-up box while reality quickly passes us by outside and the icy fingers of impending middle age scratch ever-deepening lines in our faces. Eh, fuck it. Video games rule.

Friday Jan 11, 2019
#73: Disease Olympics: The Bleeding
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Friday Jan 11, 2019
In this heavy hitter, three of the world's most horrible scourges, diseases that have ravaged large portions of the human population, are thrust into fierce competition. These three dark horsemen have claimed more lives than wars, natural disasters and the Garden State Parkway combined. Which one of these monstrous illnesses will ultimately be crowned with the highly coveted Gold Medal of Human Suffering? You decide. Twatbox. @witgpodcast

Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
#72: Comet Offered Her A Quelude
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
In this episode, come behind the scenes and witness creation in it's raw form. Be a fly on the wall for the entire process of writing a comedy parody song, from conception of lyrics to practicing the finished product. Merry Christmas!

Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Grandma Got Molested By A Reindeer
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Merry Christmas assholes!!!

Thursday Dec 20, 2018
#71: Christmas Therapy
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
In this episode, the guys get real. It's time for some serious therapy. Merry Christmas bitches.

Thursday Dec 13, 2018
#70: Diners, Drive-Ins and Garages
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
In this episode, the guys will make your mouths water with stories of the best tasting meals they've ever had, featuring small town jems, five star restaurants and home cooking that would make your fucking nipples rotate.

Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
#69: I'll Eat Your Pu$$y While You Suck My D1ck
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
This episode will confuse you at first, but it's intriguing........ it's about riots.

Thursday Nov 29, 2018
#68: Squiggle Beef
Thursday Nov 29, 2018
Thursday Nov 29, 2018
In this episode, the guys free flow into the great void. Squiggle beef, bitches.

Thursday Nov 22, 2018
#67: Heavily Edited Bonus Material
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
In this Episode, The guys didn't have time to record new shit. It's the fucking holidays now and we're busy. Go fuck yourself. However, we did think we should probably supply the loyal listeners with some entertainment as a thank-you for hanging with us. Here's a tiny slice of our backlogged bonus content- some real behind the scenes shit that lets you experience the creation of this show. Enjoy!

Friday Nov 16, 2018
#66: Mind Blown
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
In this episode, the guys blow each other...'s minds with ridiculous facts that no one needs to know to survive, yet are far too entertaining to ignore. Listen, and fill up some of that empty space.

Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
#65: You've Gone Too Far
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
In this episode, the guys rip into anything they can think of that completely oversteps it's bounds. Are you sick of the political commercials? Amazed that Afluenza is a real medical condition? Want to punch that asshole at work that always has something to say? Welcome to the garage, friend. This is where you belong.

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
#64: Cool Story Bro 2: Satan In My Basement
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
In this highly anticipated part 2 episode, the guys get personal once again and regale us with tales of adventure and sorrow, victory and loss, and that time Josh passed out half in his car and half on the sidewalk outside Dan's shitty studio apartment in 2006. Also... Fuck. We forgot Halloween again.

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
#63: Shithole Olympics 2: Splitting Babies Like Firewood
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
In this episode, the guys continue their journey around the worst parts of the world, bringing poverty stricken countries together in fierce competition everywhere they go. First stop: Myanmar, famous for it's horrific Rodhinga genocide. The Dominican Republic follows suit; a cesspool of poverty and crime. Then off to Somalia, where citizens endure unthinkable living conditions and crimes against humanity. Who will reign supreme and claim the highly coveted Gold Medal of Human Suffering? The choice is yours! Vote for your favorite on the Twatter @witgpodcast!

Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
#62: Shithole Olympics: They Reads Not Good
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
In this episode, the guys get down and dirty in three of the world's poorest, stinkiest, most dangerous countries and pit them up against each other in epic competition for the highly coveted gold medal of human suffering. If you've ever been to a wedding and had to ask "Is that the bride or the flower girl?", you're probably standing in a shithole country.

Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
#61: The Most Offensive Episode Yet
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
In this ridiculous episode, lines will be crossed, barriers will be broken and the world will never be the same. Three heavy hitters, one show. The bar has been set.

Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
#60: Tinfoil Time - The Invention Graveyard
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
In this episode, the guys dig up some groundbreaking, life changing, paradigm shifting inventions that could have propelled humanity into the next age, yet were instead massacred in cold blood by people who love the world just the way it is. There's no profit in free energy... so there is no free energy.

Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
#59: Take Your Topic Off Part 3
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
In this episode, the guys kick it off blasted drunk and keep right on drinking. Time to take your motherfu(king topic off.

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
#58: Christian Bale Is A $hitty Batman
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
In this episode, the guys discuss their all-time favorite movies, which are obviously the best movies of all time, and the movies they hate, which are obviously the worst movies ever created.

Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
#57: Our Not So Bright Future
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
In this episode, the guys kick off the show with some drinks and discuss a few inventions they'd like to see in the near future, then they have several more drinks. Who'd have known virtual reality porn would make the cut?

Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
#56: Unidentified Flying A$$holes Part 3
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
In this historic first "Part 3" episode, the guys ascend to the heavens on alien ships and are mercilessly probed in a thrilling conclusion to the alien conspiracy series.

Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
#55: Unidentified Flying A$$holes Part 2
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
In this episode, the guys dive further into the alien conspiracy with witness testimony from military personnel, airline pilots, air traffic controllers, radar operators, government officials and astronauts about unexplained things they experienced in the line of duty. Are all of these seemingly credible witnesses totally and completely full of shit? You be the judge.

Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
#54: Unidentified Flying A$$holes Part 1
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
In this, the ultimate out-of-this-world episode series, the hosts of Who Invited This Guy take to the sky and attempt to conquer one of the biggest mysteries plaguing humanity: Are we alone? Some say we obviously are. Some say it's a mathematical certainty we aren't. Some don't give a shit. Where do you stand? Stay tuned for part 2!

Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
#53: Redefining Your Chair
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
In this episode, the host of the hit podcast "Redefining Your Chair", Jeff Winkles, makes a special guest appearance and teaches the guys a little something about family. Also chairs, and his wife, who has been on "Vacation in the Caribbean" since 2014. We'll also meet one of the people who forever altered the course of his life. ...It gets weird.

Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
#52: Lights, Camera, Dumbass!
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
In this episode, the guys tear apart celebrities who are far too dumb to posess that much money and power. If your only claim to fame is being fat and southern or ghetto and confrontational, kill yourself.

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
#51: Sword Sex
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
In this episode, Dan hates the whole world, Josh discusses body hair and proper lube application techniques, and Eric, well... don't worry about Eric. Come chill with the guys in the garage and have a few beers. You'll be glad you dropped by. Also, seriously, don't worry about Eric. He's fine.

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
#50: Flat Earth Or Hollow Heads?
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
In this, the one year anniversary/50th episode extravaganza, the guys fly high above the flat earth and dive deep into the hollow earth to discover more about the inner workings of some seriously confused people. This also marks the beginning of the great conspiracy saga, where in the coming weeks, Who Invited This Guy will tear apart some of the world's biggest unsolved mysteries. Do we really live on a globe? Is that globe hollow? Or is space fake, the sky a dome and satelites a complete sham? ...Sure would help explain that shitty phone service, wouldn't it?

Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
#49: FBI's Most Wanted: Towels And Beards
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
In this episode, the guys discuss the current members of the FBI's most wanted list. From serial murderers to bank robbers to known terrorists, these folks are truely among the upper echelons of society and some of God's favorite people. One thing we can all agree on: Wet hair won't be a problem for most of them.

Thursday Jul 05, 2018
#48: Extinct Animal Olympics
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
In this episode, the guys travel to the distant past and build a huge arena, sell tickets to the dinosaurs and host the biggest event to hit planet Earth since the last Ice Age. Some of the most insane, vicious, bloodthirsty creatures to ever go extinct are pitted head to head in a winner-take-all, losers-get-killed Olympics. Well, technically they all lost, because they're all fucking dead. But at the time... let's just say we're really glad the atmosphere has less oxygen now.

Thursday Jun 28, 2018
#47: Children Of The Potts
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
The guys get serious and discuss their deepest darkest fears... part of the time. The liquor controls the rest.

Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
#46: Fingered By An F-5
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
In this episode, the guys fly into the eye of the storm and discuss some of the craziest stories of insane weather survival. When God decides to finger your neighborhood, it's best to just bend over and accept it.

Monday Jun 11, 2018
#45: Open Mic Night
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
In this episode, Josh brings his guitar and the guys jam out to several highly offensive original songs about love, lust and the human experience, each buried deep inside a pocket pussy.

Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
#44: Reclaimed Wood
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
In this helter-skelter episode, Josh hates his job, Dan's daughter cries, and Eric talks about Magic the Gathering. Peacocks make themselves known, "Fixer Upper" becomes a porno and the sweet smell of freshly baked peach pie fills the air. Not bad for a Wednesday.

Wednesday May 30, 2018
#43: Grow A Bigger Pair
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
In this episode, the guys need a safe space to discuss their feelings and open up to each other about several insecurities they've been experiencing. Listen in as they bare their souls and share their deepest regrets. Lastly, anyone who believes that should immediately jump in front of a fucking train. Grow a pair, America.

Tuesday May 22, 2018
#42: Toy-tal Recall
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
In this episode, the guys tear apart some of the most dangerous and offensive toys to make it past extensive quality control screenings and actually hit the market. Hide your kids; they just might wind up lactating all over the house.

Tuesday May 15, 2018
#41: Scarf And Barf 2: Josh Blacks Out
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
In this episode, Scarf and Barf continues deep into the sea, where exotic fish are set ablaze on the grill and anchovie paste ruins lives forever. Josh starts the episode drunk on cheap tequila and goes downhill fast.

Monday May 07, 2018
#40: Scarf And Barf 2: Grill Masters World Tour
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
Scarf and Barf returns in all it's gut-wrenching glory! Join the guys on a trip around the world in this special Cinco de Mayo celebration as they grill up tasty delicacies like goat brain and snails, paired with the cheapest tequila in the liquor store and over a gallon of the grossest 24 ounce tallboys they could find. Who will be the first to fill the bucket? Don't ask them. They can't remember.

Wednesday May 02, 2018
#39: Sentenced To Hell
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Wednesday May 02, 2018
In this over-the-top episode, the guys researched some of history's most evil, violent and gruesome prisons and present to you the most disturbing content Danny Fuckin T has ever uttered into a microphone. Prepare yourself. This one goes the extra mile.

Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
#38: God Bless Yoga Pants
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
In this episode, the guys discuss the popular trends, fashions and culture of the 2000's. Remember Heelys? Those silk button up shirts with the dragons on them? How about all those douchebags taking pictures of themselves Teebowing or planking in ironic places? God those people sucked. Let's talk some shit on 'em.

Monday Apr 16, 2018
#37: DICK-tators Part 2: You Slant, You Can't
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
In this heavy hitter the guys decide once and for all who wins the Dictator Olympics, then take a trip to the Koreas, the Congo and several of the "-istan" countries for a world tour of big dick dictators and the gruesome ways they've terrorized their citizens throughout history. Talk about a good time!

Monday Apr 09, 2018
#36: DICK-tators Part 1: The Village People
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
In this episode, the guys bring some of the world's most evil dictators to the table for a gold-silver-bronze battle royale to the death. Who slaughtered more members of the village people? Who stretched out the highest number of assholes? Which dictator will ultimately rule the world as the biggest dick of all???

Monday Apr 02, 2018
#35: Take Your Topic Off Part 2
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
This episode is a drunken whirlwind as the guys throw predetermined topics to the side to allow their true inner beauty to shine through... and shine it does.